40" O'Keefe & Merritt stove. This is the stove I covet.

Beautiful! It is an American stove and it is a bit less heavy looking than the grand French ones that I'm seeing everywhere.

Below is my stove. Not at it's sparkly cleanest. It came with the house and we loved the look of it so much we kept it, warts and all. My mother and father in law took the whole thing apart and scrubbed years of grime out of every part.

I check the temperature by looking at the height of the flame at the back of the stove. High, medium or low and that's as good as it gets. Yet I cook all manner of things in this little lovely, including delicate cakes that require care. I have become used to moving things from one shelf to the next and gauging the progress of what's in the stove. Personality plus, but temperamental and most modern stove owners would find it impossible.
I have the O'Keefe & Merritt stove. Found it almost 20 years ago on the side of the road. It was grimy and greasy and oh so sad. Took forever to clean. I cook everyday & bake with it. Recently took the internal temp with a gauge to make sure it was heating correctly.....spot on. I'm in love and just marvel how a stove so old can be so awesome.