Some shelves from our home. We keep adding more and more shelves, mostly to accommodate our large book collection. There's not much wall space left in our house.
I love this little wooden bear below. I also love the book cover. We display our children's art works everywhere too because they are beautiful. You can see a few of my collection of Alice in Wonderland books. I will post about those in the future.

Our son's collection of robots below. I'm so glad that he collects such tasteful things (he also collects Beanie Kids, but they are tucked away in baskets). This is only part of his collection. He has some very strange robots including a bizarre canary yellow one that sings a Korean national song in very high pitched English and another terminator style one that shouts in a scary voice "You are under arrest, put down your weapon...3...2...1...FIRE!!!" and our daughter used to think it said "You are under A DRESS!" It is one of our son's dreams to go to Japan and see the real Asimo.

The lovely owl vase on the shelf below was made by one of our fave potters, Leon Saper who's work we have loads of. He's a potter who lived in Cottles Bridge and used to sell at the St Andrew's Market when we were teenage hippies and used to sell our wares there too.

Book shelf below that we have had for ever. It's completely out of date and not that attractive, but it has all of the children's growth measurements down the side, so we don't want to throw it out.

The shelves in this cabinet below are loaded with lovely Australian Pottery (another post for the future). And if you look at the top right shelf you will see a plate that is a 17th Century tin glaze piece that was found in an op shop in Prahran stashed in a pile of plates, for $2.50. It is a museum piece that would sell at auction for near to $1000 (at least that's what the Sotheby's bloke said when we took it to him). Bargain.

The shelves in our little alcove study that my father in law calls
la petite bibliothèque.
You can just see part of my very large recipe book collection (yet another post for the future).

Kitchen shelves below.
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