Our weekend house smells constantly of brewed coffee, often of a big stock bubbling (from organic bones bought at the market), a cake baking (if I have the time), the Sunday morning pancakes that I'm not cooking, but get to scoff . Oh, and the gorgeous, sweaty heady smell of our 15 month old who still has that caramel, new, sweetness unique to babies.

I remember Sharon Osbourne saying in an interview, that she never cooked in her kitchen, that they always ordered food to be delivered. When asked why she explained that she hated the smell of food and cooking in her home. There was something very unhappy about that statement. There is nothing I love more than the smell of food cooking in our home; it is what adds warmth, depth and coziness to our abode and it is very happy-making for me.

I have a penchant for food labels. Many are so attractive, little pieces of Art and put together they make a colourful tapestry that excites my eye.

Food is beautiful. It is so nice to arrive home from a trip to the market with loads of seasonal fruit. I think it looks lovely displayed in pretty bowls.
I love what you say about the smell of food cooking, a home is really nothing without it. I make pretty diplays out of fresh produce too, a bowl of pears can be a piece of art all by itself.