Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bell Jars.

I love my bell jars. They remind me of Victorian parlours and draw the eye to whatever is inside them. My ordinary cakes look more delicious inside the bell jar. Perhaps they have the equivalent of "pyramid power" (remember that craze?); enhancing the allure of their contents.
They look as if a little Victorian stuffed bird should be placed inside, but origami, plants and cakes will do me.
*As with all of my photos, click on it and you will see the very large version and can check out the detail.

Above: tiny cup cakes on a Douglas and Hope melamine plate.

Above: Kitchen counter with bell jars and an over -ripe pineapple. Some origami cranes made by our daughter look very fetching.

Above: I only put a pineapple in for a day or so because I just love the way it looks, but I don't want it to turn on me. The pineapple-y smell is so heady when you lift the lid, that I stick my head in the jar and whiff for all I'm worth.

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